C L O U D ;
buat drama time puase..OMG
Jumaat, 26 Julai 2013 • 12:21 PG • 0 comments
olla..semue first cikbunny nk ucapkn slmt berpuase
hohohoho wlaupon dh lmbt..but cikbunny stil nk ucap gak
ok today story ialah pasal drama untuk english oral
sjak kbelakangan cikbunny busy siket..tu yg x sempat nak tulis blog ni
tapi atas permintaan ramai...cikbunny tulis gak 
hohoho mcm ade je org bace blog ni...x pe lh brangan je ta pe kan..
ok sambong cerite..cikbunny punye group ade 5 orang..semua perempuan
kiteorg buat cerite.....BAWANG PUTIH BAWANG MERAH..
klasik kn..hohohoh tpi kiteorg buat yg zaman moden lh 
alhamdulillah lepas penat berlatih dpt jgak markah yg boleh dkatekn bagoslh
tapi x lh dpt mrkah penuh...cikbunny x fikir sngt pasal tu
yg penting kite enjoy..betol tak..
seronok kn sbenarnye belakon ni..mencabar
kene tahan gelak lah..apelh..
walaupon bnyk cbaran tapi still best
kali ni baru lh cikbunny rse penatnye kene belakon mase puase...
ni pon skejap..x mcm pelakon yg betol2 tu..
so cikbunny sngt mnghargai usaha pelakon2 malaysia yg buat drama slame ni
amboi ayt...mcm ape..nerd sekejap ye..
emm btw cikbunny skrg kan tngh obses tngok satu cerite korea ni tau
gile best lh..tajuk cerite tu I HEAR YOUR VIOCE
pelakon dye hensem...ahaks,,gatal pulak
dye punye jln cerite pon best..tngok lh...
sape yg x suke cerite korea lepas tngok cerite ni confirm ketagih
hohoho mcm sure sngt je kn..
ok lh..ni je yg cikbunny nk cerite..bai gtg

HAI , i from cAndy ISland . My ship was break down , My age 16 years old, i have only 1 mother . my birth date 22/9/? . i just want to say behave with me because i have 2pair of candy hook as my hand . bhaha..




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