C L O U D ;
Khamis, 10 November 2011 • 7:00 PTG • 0 comments
Rules :You must post these rules.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.Answer the questions that tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.Go to their page and tell them HIM/HERNo tag back!No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.

tag from amiey : 

-Ape name panggilan korang kat rumah ?  
 emm..name panggilan kat rumah owang panggel aisyah
-Perkataan yang paling lawak korang pernah dengar ?
oolloh!!#dngan smgtnye minah yg ckp

 -Bende yang paling memalukan bgi korang ?

x ingt lah..x de kot

 -minat Kpop/Jpop tak ? kalau tak minat kenape ?

mesti lah minat kpop..jpop x sngt #

-game favorite korang ?

x de lah rasenye..jrng maen games

  -bende yang korang simpan sampai skrg ?

kad raye dari kwn saye
 -Paling lame korang marah/merajuk dgn parents korang brape hari ?

emm..x sampai 2 hari pon..
-Follower korang brape ?jujur ye  
56 je
-shawl ,siria or tudung bawal ?
mestilah shawl

 -ciri2 lelaki idaman ?

hensem/comel,baek,cool,tinggi,pandai dn mcm2 lagi lah

-senang guna Laptop or PC ?

rase gune laptotp kot

tag from aieshah:

1. sape org yg korang syg selain family??
kawan2  baek saye lh 

2. nme bf/gf korang??
saye x de bf or gf

3. first date kt mne??
first date dkat skolah rasenye

4. pendapat korang psl aieshah??
kwan yg comel,baek,periang dn kdg2 gile siket

5. sehari bpe jam online fb??
x tetap..tapi yg pasti lame

6. klau someone special minx mcm2 kt korang,, korang nk wat ke??
emmm klau bnde 2 baek buat kot..

7. klau tibe2 korang ade 10 juta,, nk wat pe ngan duit tu??
mesti lah nk simpan..x pon nk beli komek bnyk2,or prgi korea

8. sape classmate pling gile n agk hyper??
siti aminah

9. korang hrp dpt wat pe sblom exam tpi ssh sgt nk wat??
online fb ,tngok crite korea,bukak blog

10. klau sakit aty wat pe??
makan aiskrim..x pon diam je

11. cre nk happykn diri sndiri mse down gile2??
dnga lagu.,bareng dakat bilek

soalan dari saye

1.korang suke dnga lagu ape??

2.klau boring korang buat ape??

3.ape bndi yg paleng korang bnci?

4.korang suke aiskrim ke coklet?

5.peristiwe paleng sweet yg pnah brlaku kat korang??

6.korang suke pkai selipa or kasut?

7.lelaki mcm mane korang suke??

8.bile korang pergi jln2 korang beli ape??

9.ape impian korang?

10.ape korang buat bile ade owang kasie surat cinte

11.mcm mane korang nk tau korang suke laki nie?aieshah

HAI , i from cAndy ISland . My ship was break down , My age 16 years old, i have only 1 mother . my birth date 22/9/? . i just want to say behave with me because i have 2pair of candy hook as my hand . bhaha..




  • cikbunnystory time~
  • cikbunny story time..~
  • cikbunnystorytime~
  • boring oh boring..
  • mase untuk study..
  • cuti cuti
  • pekse oh pekse....dtang lagie.
  • hate you ,love you
  • cikbunnystory time~
  • enough